Welcome to term 4. This term is the shortest one of the year and it's already looking very busy. We would like to welcome Miss Abby Murphy back to OSS, she is teaching in Rm 7, we would also like to welcome Mrs Larna Culpan who is teaching in Rm 16 - our new entrant class. We would also like to welcome our newest students and their families to our school.
We have numerous opportunities for parents and whanau to come into school and show support for our students this term. Keep an eye out for class newsletters coming home this week. Athletics training began this week for all classes. Our school athletics day is on Friday the 11th of November.
Pets day is tomorrow, we're looking forward to seeing the students and their pets on show. Judging begins at 10:00am. All of our students who don't have pets will walk around with their classroom during the morning. You are welcome to come along and have a look.
Next Monday is Labour Day so enjoy the long weekend. Just a reminder that Term 4 is sunhat season, all students are required to have a hat to play in the sun during break times.
Ngā mihi,
Scott Lincoln Principal
Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Miss Murphy and Mrs Culpan
Dates to add to your calendar
OCTOBER Friday 21 Pets Day Monday 24 Labour Day - School closed NOVEMBER Wednesday 2 Group Day Friday 4 College Experience Day Friday 11 OSS Athletics Wednesday 16 COPS Athletics Friday 18 Arts Day Mon 28-Thurs 1 Dec Senior Camps
Our School Values - KETE
Last term at our PEN assembly we celebrated two of our students who epitomise our KETE values. They have already received KETE certificates for each value individually, and continued to demonstrate our values as role models for others.
Congratulations to Ayla Hetet-Jacob and Kobi Parsons, it was wonderful to be able to have your achievements formally recognised.
As our new term begins, it is a timely reminder to be KIND to one another.
Our School-wide values are explicitly taught in all classrooms on a fortnightly cycle.
These value lessons are also supported by our school councillors sharing messages and role-playing at assemblies, as well as value reminders over the school intercom each morning during our daily notices.
We really appreciate our whānau also using this language at home with your tamariki, below the ways we encourage KINDNESS in two of our school settings:
Waikato Literacy Quiz
Seven enthusiastic students (Abigail, Harmony, Divija, Sienna, Maz, Nicole & James) set off with Mrs Rattray today to Southwell School for the annual Literacy Quiz and although neither team got a placing this year, they had a lot of fun, learned something new and did extremely well. Team 1 even getting the top score in 2 rounds. Ka Rawe teams!
Pets Day
Thank you to those who have returned their NAIT declaration forms. These are required for all calves coming to Pets Day. Please complete the forms sent home last term and return them to school before Pets Day. If you have lost them please contact the school office.
Programme for the day 9:00am Dogs to behind the hall 9:00am Lambs/goats/calves start to arrive 9:15am Registration for lambs/goats/calves Morning Tea for Judges 10am Judging commences for all animals There will be NO break for lunch during judging
GROUP DAY BBQ Otorohanga South School will run the fundraising BBQ at Group Day this year. Please call the office on 873 8530 or Claire on 021526126 if you can help out.
Middle Syndicate Science
The Mighty Middle Syndicate are learning about chemical reactions this term. We made an acid base from red cabbage and hot water. We then added a variety of solid and liquid chemicals to test their PH levels and observed how the substances reacted.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament
During the school holidays Skylah and Wairoa Stafford competed in a five day jiu-jitsu tournament held at CORE MMA, Hamilton Mixed Martial Arts. Wairoa had 20 bouts and Skylah had 11. Wairoa won 3 golds and 3 silver medals. He fought in a higher division one day so he had extra silver. Skylah won 1 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a self-defence martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting and submission holds.
If you are keen to take up the sport please contact:
Book Club orders are due in by Friday 28 October. Go to https://scholastic.co.nz/parents/lucky-book-club/ to place your order or return the form (with the exact amount of cash) to the school office.
Sports Photos Available to Order
All students who played netball, soccer or miniball this year have been given their individual codes to view and order sports photos. Please go to https://photolife.co.nz/ and follow the prompts. Get your order in by Sunday 16 October to take advantage of the free delivery offer.
School Lunches
24 October to 28 October
Community Notices
Otorohanga Light Party 2022
When: Monday October 31st 4.30 to 6.30 pm Where: Windsor Park Domain What: A free event for families. Bouncy castles, sausage sizzles, fun games, prizes, talent quest. Presented by Otorohanga Combined Churches. Light Party Talent Quest
All children are warmly invited to enter the talent quest. A sound system with wifi will be available. Other equipment such as backing music or musical instruments should be provided by contestants. Entries could include singing, dancing, instrumentals and other performances. Talent quest entries will be judged with prizes within junior, middle and senior age bands. Entries should be registered with organisers at the start of the Light Party. All entries welcome.
She Is Not your Rehab founders, Matt & Sarah Brown share their story of healing and how they assist others in their community.
These two local events are free and you can book by scanning the QR code for either event or via the links below:
On Monday 3 October, Rabobank launched the latest edition of our Good Deeds competition which provides rural community projects with the chance to win $5,000 cash and a day’s labour courtesy of the teams at Rabobank and The Country radio show.
Two runner-up prizes of $1,000 and labour support will also be awarded as part of the competition.
If you’re interest in entering, all you need to do to is tell us a little bit about a rural community project in your area and how support for the project would benefit the local rural community.
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