Community Notices

Otorohanga Light Party 2022

When: Monday October 31st 4.30 to 6.30 pm
Where:  Windsor Park Domain
What:  A free event for families. Bouncy castles, sausage sizzles, fun games, prizes, talent quest.
Presented by Otorohanga Combined Churches.
Light Party Talent Quest 

All children are warmly invited to enter the talent quest. A sound system with wifi will be available.  Other equipment such as backing music or musical instruments should be provided by contestants.  Entries could include singing, dancing, instrumentals and other performances. Talent quest entries will be judged with prizes within junior, middle and senior age bands.  Entries should be registered with organisers at the start of the Light Party.  All entries welcome. 
She Is Not your Rehab founders, Matt & Sarah Brown share their story of healing and how they assist others in their community.
These two local events are free and you can book by scanning the QR code for either event or via the links below:
9th November, Ōtorohanga District residents , book via
10th November, Waitomo District residents, book via
Details for bookings are also on our Facebook page
Thank you, we appreciate your support for these community events.
Ngā mihi
Caren Campbell
Violence Free Maniapoto
07 878 5081 / 021 381 428

On Monday 3 October, Rabobank launched the latest edition of our Good Deeds competition which provides rural community projects with the chance to win $5,000 cash and a day’s labour courtesy of the teams at Rabobank and The Country radio show.
Two runner-up prizes of $1,000 and labour support will also be awarded as part of the competition.
If you’re interest in entering, all you need to do to is tell us a little bit about a rural community project in your area and how support for the project would benefit the local rural community.
You can enter the competition here - Good deeds - Rabobank New Zealand
Entries close this Friday 21 October at 5pm. 
We do everything from fixing your home windows, pet doors to custom showers, mirrors and splashbacks. We can also do specialty work like glass balustrades, glass roofs and aluminium joinery repairs including ranch slider rollers, handles and latches etc.
M: 0275545270
P: 0800554527
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